10-05-2023 (v9.4.4-b52)

Released 10-05-2023


  • New Lucene Query Tab within the Classic Interface.

  • New Search Result De-duplication added within the Filter menu.

  • New Implementation of variable retention periods with role based access.


  • Improved Search Dialog so it works within a mobile view.

  • Improved Export directly to S3 for improved speed and scalability


  • Fixed Advance search would sometimes fail with regex*.txt

  • Fixed UI Admin sometimes did not redirect to correct onboarding URL

  • Fixed an issue where Company filter did not work on Key Search page.

  • Fixed an issue where selecting Teams option with keyword goes in to infinite loop or zero results are displayed.

  • Fixed an issue where Microsoft Teams long images in team chats distorts the message view.

  • Fixed an issue where selecting β€œAll channel” option is displayed when user selects just single option.

Last updated