Adding Custom Scripts to your Archive
Add custom scripts to your Solar Archive system.
You may be wanting to add a custom script to your archive, such as Google Analytics or a help desk chat widget. Adding custom scripts to your archive is easy with our “Custom Code” feature. Please be aware, the custom code block will only accept compliant code, if your code is not saving, please check it is complete.
Login to your Archive as an Admin User
Click “Admin” on the system where you’d like to add the custom script
On the company's page, you’ll see a list of the active companies. Once here, you’ll be able to administer certain systems.
Expand “Advanced Configuration” and click “Adv. Config”
Choose who the code block should be active for
There are 3 configuration options provided in the application. These are:
Admin Code Block: The piece of code entered under this configuration option would be displayed on the UI for admin users only.
Basic Code Block: The piece of code entered here would be displayed on the UI for basic users only.
All Users Code Block: This piece of code would be displayed on the UI for privileged users only.
Add your desired code
Once you’ve added your code, click “Save”.
You may run into the following issues when using our code block feature.
My code block isn’t saving?
If your code block isn’t saving, please make sure you’ve copied it correctly. Our system doesn’t allow incomplete code.
My widget is not appearing?
If your widget is not appearing, make sure it is not loading any HTML elements in this code block. If it needs a <div> tag to load the widget, it will not work in this code block feature. The code block appends scripts in the <head> of your archive. Another reason for this could be your adblock plugins/extensions blocking your script from loading.
What does the code block accept?
The code block feature allows you to dynamically insert script tags into your archive. It will not accept HTML or anything other than scripts.
Why is my code not appearing for my tenant?
If enabled, Tenants can add their own code to their archive environment’s which overwrites your code block. Below is a good breakdown on how the overwriting works for our systems:
If the code block is overridden by the tenant then serve it and stop, if not
If the code block is overridden by the T2 then serve it and stop, if not
If the code block is overridden by the T1 then serve it and stop, if not
Is there a global code block, then serve it and stop, if not
Do not serve any code block.
Last updated
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