Configuring De-Duplicated Email Respool Settings

How to configure your archive's De-Duplicated Email Settings.

The De-duplicated Email Manager allows Administrators to configure respooling settings for de-duplicated emails.

  1. Navigate to Email Management > De-Duplicated Email Manager.

  2. Enter / Select the required values in the fields. Refer to the table below for field names and descriptions.

  3. Click the Apply button.

  4. The respool settings for de-duplicated email will be configured successfully.


Message to Respool - All

Specifies whether or not messages should be sent to respool.

Apply Action

Action to be applied on error emails. The option available are: Normal Respool - It simply moves the error items back into the spool queue where they will be re-processed. This option can be used when some action has been taken to resolve the issue. Delete - It will remove all mails from the selected error classes, with an associated audit report.

Last updated