Setting up a T1 Tenant
How to setup a T1 Tenant on Solar Archive
Creating a Region
Navigate to your admin URL.
Enter your credentials and click Login.
Click on the “Region” displayed in the left menu. Click on the “New Region” button.
Enter the details within the fields. Please refer to the table below for field descriptions.
Click “Save” button to create “Region” successfully.
Region Name
Full name of the region and what you set here will appear on the login page.
Region Tag
Short name of the region that will be used to access a specific region.
Short description.
Allow Switching to Reseller
Tick box to enable and disable switching user feature.
Allow Journaling
A Global setting to enable / disable journal setup, this will be inherited be all T1 and T2.
Encryption Key
Specify the type of encryption key to be used. The available options are System Level Key, Parent’s Key and Custom Key.
In the T1 admin the journaling can be switched off / on to override the global setting (a tick box when editing T1), this will flow down to all T2s
In the T2 admin the journaling can be switched off / on to override the global setting / T1 (a tick box when editing T1)
Creating user “System Administrator” for Region (T1)
Click on the “Region” displayed in the left menu. User is displayed with region list view.
Click on the “User Account” button > user is displayed with Region Manager page.
Enter / Select the required values in the fields. Refer to the table below for field names and descriptions.
Click “Save” Button to create” Region Manager” successfully.
Region Name and Region Tag
Fields will be disabled.
Manager User Name
Unique username of the account.
First Name
First name of the user.
Last Name
Last name of the user
Enter desired password.
Confirm password
Re-enter password to confirm
Email Address
Enter email address
Enable User
Tick the check box
Last updated
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